
Palmer rushed by ambulance to hospital in Covid scare

Businessman and political aspirant Clive Palmer has been taken to hospital for another Covid-19 test after being sick for at least two days at his Gold Coast home.

Feb 24, 2022, updated Feb 24, 2022
(Photo: ABC)

(Photo: ABC)

The Queensland Ambulance Service says one patient was picked up from a Paradise Point home and transported to hospital on Thursday afternoon.

The 67-year-old, who’s unvaccinated, has been sick with “flu-like symptoms” for at least two days after testing negative for Covid-19.

AAP understands Palmer isn’t being admitted for treatment, but has been taken to hospital for another test.

Palmer had been due to fly to Canberra on Tuesday to address the National Press Club, but received medical advice not to travel.

“It is hoped Mr Palmer’s address will be rescheduled for another time prior to the federal election,” the spokesman told AAP on Tuesday.

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The club described it slightly differently, saying it had been advised Mr Palmer had “Covid-like symptoms”.

The mining magnate is the United Australia Party candidate for the Senate in Queensland, with his party seeking seats in the upper and lower houses at the upcoming federal election.

Last election he spent more than $80 million on advertising, which is expected to be replicated in the lead-up to the 2022 poll.

Palmer held the Queensland federal seat of Fairfax from 2013 to 2016.

He has supported protests and court action against vaccine mandates and health-related restrictions.

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