
Dig this: Albanese says mining industry can help us win ‘race to profit and jobs’

Australia was in a race to win the profits and jobs from the transition to clean energy, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told a Minerals Council conference last night.

Sep 06, 2022, updated Sep 06, 2022
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese looks on during a visit to Rockpool Residential Aged Care Carseldine in Brisbane. (AAP Image/Jono Searle)

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese looks on during a visit to Rockpool Residential Aged Care Carseldine in Brisbane. (AAP Image/Jono Searle)

The Prime Minister gave strong backing to the sector saying the raw materials it produced were necessary for clean energy technologies.

“But for decades we’ve shipped these materials overseas and bought back manufactured goods at a premium,” he said.

“Our Government will invest to unlock more value from our minerals,” he said.

“You’re not just part of the transition, you’re the foundation for the next generation of growth and jobs and industry that our nation needs to compete and succeed in a globalised world.

“For nearly a decade, the Australian political debate over renewables and resources and climate action has been hostage to a false choice between creating jobs or cutting pollution.”

He said his Government’s policy was about busting that myth.

“Embracing renewable energy technology will attract and generate tens of billions of dollars in investment,” he said.

Citing the lessons of last week’s jobs and skills summit where unions, businesses and government found common ground on Australia’s economic challenges, Albanese said the resources sector would play a key role in tackling climate change.

“The resources sector has always been instrumental in shaping Australia’s success,” he said in a speech to a minerals industry function on Monday night.

“In an era of new opportunities, your work remains vital to Australia’s future.”

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“There is a world of opportunity here for our country … the sunniest continent on earth, some of the strongest winds in the world and all the minerals and metals needed to drive the energy transition,” he said.

“Natural advantages only get you to the start line. Winning the race, leading the world, requires investment, innovation, courage and commitment.”

The prime minister’s address came as debate on his government’s climate change bill begins in the upper house.

While the Greens have agreed to support the climate laws, they have proposed new environmental triggers to stop high emitting coal and gas mines from being opened.

Albanese told the dinner his government would continue to work with the minerals industry to reduce emissions in “a predictable and orderly way”.

“I’m hopeful that across the country, government and industry and researchers and universities can keep co-operating and co-investing to commercialise and apply the innovations, ideas and technology that will drive future prosperity,” he said.

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